Website Design Services for Small Businesses

Beautifully Built.

Strategically Designed.

Build a beautiful and effective website that will help you accomplish your marketing goals while keeping website management simple.

Have You Been Thinking...

Believe us... You are not alone.

We’ve worked with lots of people just like you. Building a website is a time-consuming process, even more so when you don’t have the right strategy in place.

“You don’t have to be an expert. No one is expecting you to be an expert. All you need to do is show up and be you.”

Ruth Soukup ~ Motivational Author

Is it Worth It To Hire A Web Designer?

That depends. Do you want to work on your website? Or do you want your website to work for you?

Think Of It This Way...

  • If Your Hourly Rate = $150/hr
  • And it takes you 75 Hours to Build Your Website
  • That’s $11,250 in potential revenue that was spent building your website instead of selling to your clients.

And you still may need to hire someone else to get things working exactly the way that you want them to.

Another Perspective...

  • If you invest $6,000 into a website
  • And you average $1,500 per sale x3 a month
  • You can pay off your website with just 4 conversions.

Assuming you want to get a full return on your investment by the end of the first year of launch, that makes the workload pretty small to break even, and the return on investment keeps climbing!

Common Misconceptions About Websites

"Building a website will fix my client acquisition problems."

It can help, but it definitely won’t fix the problem. A good website is most effective when coupled with a good marketing strategy to drive people there. If nobody knows about your website, how are they going to find it? We’ll help you identify the best options to help you drive more traffic to your site, and build a marketing strategy that supports your website.

"It still isn't worth it to pay for a website designer. I can do it myself."

Yes, you could, but as a business owner isn’t your time best spent elsewhere in your company? We’ve seen people struggle against their website for years, in some cases wasting upwards of 400+ hours trying to get it right. By hiring a professional, you get a faster return on investment, and a long-lasting resource in your marketing strategy that can help generate revenue for years.

"I can just use a Facebook Page for my business. I don't need a website.

Being active on any social media platform can help you connect with your audience, however by keeping your community on someone else’s platform, you’re at the mercy of their terms and conditions, which can put you at risk of losing that audience in a matter of hours with little power to do anything about it. By investing in a website, you regain control over your information and community.

"My business is mostly referral-based. I don't need anything online."

Word of mouth, by far, is the most powerful marketing tool. However, sometimes people want to learn more first. Most of our time as business owners is spent repeating the same pitches to different people over and over.  A website can serve as a resource to educate people if they have questions, and give them a quick opportunity to contact you after, saving you the time.

Why WordPress?

In short, WordPress powers over 40% of the internet. It is a trustworthy, secure, and flexible platform that allows you to create a website that can do just about anything.

Total Live WordPress Installations*
0 +
Years of Development
0 +
Internet Powered by WP
0 %+
Installations in the US Alone*
0 +

* Data collected from Built With –

Past Projects & Testimonials

The Design Experience

Our goal is to make the process of getting your website constructed as efficiently and effectively as possible. Here are some of the ways we do that.

Before Contract Signing

The discovery call is intended to be a first introduction between us and you. We’ll hop into a video meeting to discuss the details of your project, and figure out if we’re a good fit to work together. Once we’ve gone over your vision for the project, we’ll go ahead and put together a quote for you to review.

After our discovery call, we’ll put together a quote that will include everything we discussed. We’ll send this to you via email for you to view online, and you can sign right there as soon as your ready to get started.

Once your signature has been obtained on the quote, our final step will be to get the final contract put together that will establish the professional working relationship between our team and yours. This contract is mostly to ensure that you and your intellectual property remains safe during this process and beyond, and sets the boundaries and scope of this project.

After Contact Signing

Once we’ve handled the boring paperwork and legal junk, we’ll move on to getting your account set up in our client portal, and the  collaboration environment for our project put together. We’ll send you and your team invites to our system that will allow you to pay invoices, manage your hosting accounts and domains, and complete items in the website design process.

The next step will be to gather all of the information required to build your site. We will provide you with a branding questionnaire that will walk you through all of the various different things in your business that we need to know to properly understand your brand. Additionally, we’ll provide you a drop zone to upload all of your media assets, such as logos, staff pictures, and more.

The best way to give feedback is with the most hands-on approach possible. We provide you access to a tool to provide feedback on specific sections of your website for us to address during the design process. This helps us understand what you’re wanting, and gives you the easiest way to send us descriptive and specific feedback.

Before we launch ANYTHING, we go over every inch of your website with a fine-toothed comb to ensure that every setting, every component, every widget, and every word is in the right place and built with mobile responsiveness in mind. We treat every website like a luxury car, with high quality workmanship and the customer experience first and foremost in our mind.

When it’s finally time to push the “big red button”, we’ll walk through the entire process with you. By the end of our call, your website will be live and ready to go. Our goal is to make the process as smooth as possible, with minimal to no downtime in most launch cases. We’ll handle everything from your domain DNS setup to the migration of your website to your hosting environment.

We offer very affordable hosting and management plans to fit any size of WordPress website. Learn More >>

After launch, we move into our support period. This is where we make any final tweaks and adjustments after launch to make sure that everything is right where it needs to be. We’ll answer questions, provide training, and guide you on the next steps to make your website launch the biggest success it can be.

What To Expect After The Project

We’ll be here to help you with anything that might go wrong in the first 30 days after launch. Our goal is to make sure that your website runs smoothly and that you’re well informed on how to use it going forward.

Typically Booking 1 Month In Advance

Custom WordPress Websites

Your Investment

Standard Website

$1,000 – $2,750

Not Included

Average Project Timeline

E-Commerce Website

$2,500 – $7,000

Not Included

Average Project Timeline

Project Day

$750 – $1,500

An Affordable Alternative to Knock Out Your Abandoned Tasks. Expedited Availability.

Not Included

Average Project Timeline

Disclaimer: This page contains *affiliate link(s). If you sign up for a subscription or purchase from one, we may get a commission benefit (at no extra cost to you).

Start Your Next Project.

Curious about how we can help? Grab a time to chat below and we’ll help you identify the right steps to get your website goals accomplished.

Select A Portal

FTG Hosting

Access your hosting portal to make changes to your website, domain, or manage your billing.

FTG Marketplace

Download pre-built website kits, plugin files, or manage subscriptions to our educational courses.

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