The Summer Savings Are ALMOST GONE! – Get Up to 60% Off Our Managed WordPress Hosting

Our Beta Program

We're Launching Something BIG.

Are You In?

You’ve OFFICIALLY been invited to join our beta testing team for our line of services that we are planning a launch for in 2025 and beyond.

We’re taking WordPress hosting and Website Management, and making the process incredibly simple, accessibly affordable, all while keeping a high-performance experience and maximum flexibility.

We’re looking to MASSIVELY shake up the website experience.

The Vision.

This is what we have as our vision for this product. We want to ensure that this is clear, so that you understand WHY this product exists.

Hosting for Everyone

Increase Transparency & Access | Decrease Confusion & Cost

We want to make hosting accessible. When using your portal, you should understand what you’re doing, have easy access to resources, and support when you need it. Our goal is to streamline this, building an experience that’s intuitive, and easy to use for everyone who needs it.

Educated Flexibility

Understand How to Scale Your Site & When It is Necessary

Buzzwords like ‘high-availability’ and ‘uptime’ don’t mean a whole lot if you don’t understand what it is that you’re setting up for your site, let alone paying for. We aim to build a portal that’s not only easy to use, but educates you through the process, helping you to feel comfortable about what your site needs.

Modern Management

Rich Data Visibility | Easy Website Management

While some hosting providers provide insights into performance, analytics, and other statistics, we aim to provide context alongside these insights so that you understand the numbers, how your sites are running, and how to get the best experience out of your services, with human support a click away.

Simplified Portal

Centralize Service Management | Contextual Guidance

Our current infrastructure is based on several different systems, and we want to unify the experience for our clients to ensure that they can manage all relevant digital assets in a portal that is purpose-built to provide the best experience possible for each and every person and team that works with us.

We have a bold vision: To set a new bar of service for web design and hosting companies.

The Roadmap.

While many plans change, ours is built with reasonable timelines, and the client experience in mind.

Beta Launch

Q4 – 2024

With our beta launch we are planning the initial release of what we’ve been working on. This system will include many of our base features, and provide a further platform for our development.

Goal Milestones:

  • New Beta Account Dashboard
    • Intuitive Support Request Tool
    • View Tickets & Leave Comments
    • View Projects & Status
    • View Invoices
  • New WordPress Management Dashboard (v1.0)
    • Launch, Stage, Backup, Resize, and Delete Sites
    • Manage Installed Themes & Plugins
      (Install, Activate, Deactivate, Delete)
  • New WordPress Migration Tool (v1.0)
    • Migrate Websites from cPanel Server (via SSH)
  • New Domain Management Tool (v1.0)
    • Manage Domain DNS Records
    • Manage Domain Nameservers (FTG Domains Only)
  • New ‘Premium Hosting’ Help Center Section
  • Launch of Beta Feedback Collection

New Service Launches:

  • Premium WordPress Hosting
    Dedicated virtual environments for WordPress, including staging, backups, and everything you need to spin up a business website.

Public Launch

Q1 – 2025

In 2025 we plan to launch a refined version of our beta product, with the help of your feedback of course! This will be the version that we launch when we do our public announcement of the release of this new service.

Goal Milestones:

  • Account Dashboard
    • Website Performance Analytics
    • Design Change Management
  • WordPress Management Dashboard (v1.1)
    • One-Click Login to WordPress Dashboard
    • WP User Password Reset
    • Add / Configure Secondary Domains
    • Enable / Disable WordPress Maintenance Mode
    • Enable / Disable Indexing
    • Change Site Name
    • Change Site Primary Domain

New Service Launches:

  • Premium WooCommerce Hosting
    Carefully-optimized WooCommerce hosting services that provide support for burst performance (sudden visitor spikes) coupled with CDN delivery to guarantee maximum store performance.
  • Managed E-Commerce Services
    Full management of your E-Commerce installation, with oversight on every inch of your store to ensure you can maximize sales and your team is operating at 110% efficiency.

Summer Update

Q3 – 2025

Our summer update is designed to provide a large enhancement across our system to provide more developer features, expand visibility into your existing systems, and provide even more tools to automate your experience.

Goal Milestones:

  • Account Dashboard
    • View Website Performance Analytics
    • View & Manage Change Requests (Managed Design)
    • View & Pay Invoices
    • Make Mass Payments
  • WordPress Management Dashboard (v1.2)
    • WP CLI Access
    • phpMyAdmin Credential Management
    • FTP Credential Management
    • Granular Plugin / Theme Update Control
    • Manage & Download Backups
    • Manual Backups / Recovery
  • New E-Commerce Management Dashboard (v1.0)
    Available only to Managed E-Commerce Clients
    • View All Products w/ Advanced Filtering
    • Bulk Update Products & Pricing With No Extra Plugins
    • Bulk Update Categories With No Extra Plugins
    • View Orders & Jump to Order Pages
    • Integrated Analytics
  • Domain Management Dashboard (v1.1)
    • Manage Domain Nameservers (GoDaddy Integration)

New Service Launches:

  • Enterprise WordPress Hosting
    High-performance, Highly-Available WordPress built with a distributed multi-region architecture, and CDN support built in at the hosting-level. 

More Coming...

Check Back Later For More Updates!

Other Planned Features Without a Set Date:

  • Shopify Compatibility With Managed E-Commerce Service (~2026)
  • Reseller Dashboard (~2026)
  • Developer API Access (~2027)
  • High-Availability (100% Uptime) WordPress
  • WordPress Multi-Site Management Dashboard

The Perks.

For your time, your feedback, and your trust in FTG - We'd like to thank you with something special.

5% Lifetime Discount

But there’s a catch… kinda.

We would like to offer you a 5% lifetime discount on all of our services moving forward. However, we aren’t going to give you the discount unless you PARTICIPATE.

To qualify for the discount, you simply have to submit at least FIVE feedback items to us about your experience while using our product. We’ll explain the details later, but it will be kept super simple.

Ultimately, we just want data, and to give you the discount.

First-Look Access

You will ALWAYS be the first.

Our team likes to think of ourselves as a team of innovators, thinkers, and problem solvers. We’re constantly working to innovate the space, and will always be developing new tools.

You will have access to get a first look at any new products or services that launch with Falls Technology Group, and the ability to influence the course of our development through interactive feedback and optimization.

Pre-Register For Our Beta Program

Terms For Our Beta Program

Please read the details below. They’re important – we promise. We wouldn’t put them here if they weren’t.

By signing up to participate in our experimental beta services, you are agreeing to participate in the development of an unfinished product in development by Falls Technology Group. During this period we will give you access to systems that are not yet accessible to all users.

While we do not require any confidentiality from you during your participation in this program, we do ask that you work with us by providing us constructive feedback that we can use to improve our product for you, and other users like you.

As a beta participant, we want to ensure you understand the following terms regarding the service:
  • Your Existing Services Will Not Change During Beta: Prior to the launch of any of our services, we will never upgrade your existing services to a beta-status product without your permission. Our team will maintain our existing oversight of your resources, while additionally providing support for the new.
  • We Maintain Website Backups: We will always maintain regular backups of your website to minimize data loss and ensure quick recovery in case of any issues. All recoveries will be provided free-of-charge for these services if a working back up is available, and any downtime detected will be mitigated automatically in 99% of cases.
  • Potential Data Loss: While we take every precaution, please note that for high-traffic websites, there is a small risk of data loss in the event of an error or system malfunction. We will do our best to resolve any issues promptly, but some data may be lost in rare circumstances. Falls Technology Group is not responsible for any data loss that may occur due to loading production resources onto a beta-status service.
  • Beta Services Should Not Be Used for HIPAA-Governed Websites: We cannot guarantee adherence to any existing Business Associates Agreement (BAA) if utilizing beta services for your production hosting. If we detect that any resources on our beta-status services that may fall under these guidelines, Falls Technology Group has the right to suspend the service at their discretion to proactively protect any information enclosed.
  • Backups For Beta Services Will Not Be Charged: You will not be charged for any backups of your beta services. We provide backups for beta-status services free-of-charge. Once services exit beta-status, charges for backups associated with these services will begin. You will be proactively notified before this occurs.
  • Some Features May Not Be Available From The Beta Dashboard: When comparing the existing feature-sets within cPanel vs. our new provisioning platform, you may notice less settings available for your websites. We are working to build out the necessary features for advanced management of your site. If you need custom adjustments to your hosting configuration, our team is here to help.

By participating in this beta, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks and agree to assist us in testing the service to help improve its performance.

We cannot do this without you. Our team is VERY excited to have you onboard.

Hire The FTG Team Today.

Fill out the form and a specialist from our team will reach out to you directly to discuss your project.

Feel free to reach out to our team for any inquiries regarding web design services, consultations, or project collaborations.

Select A Portal

FTG Hosting

Access your hosting portal to make changes to your website, domain, or manage your billing.

FTG Marketplace

Download pre-built website kits, plugin files, or manage subscriptions to our educational courses.

Please Note: These buttons may take you away from ( to another location on our infrastructure. You will be redirected upon click.