v0.2 Alpha



Update Your Account Information

Update Your Account Information

Last Modified: August 8, 2024
(Rev. v5.0)
by Ryan T. M. Reiffenberger

We offer the ability for you to update your information any time using our online portal. This includes information like your name, address, and contact information.

  1. Log into your hosting portal
  2. Go to the upper-right hand corner, and click the drop down arrow next to your name, and then click Account Details
  3. Modify the details that you’d like to adjust, and then click Save Changes.
    • Account Details – Update items like your name, address, and contact information
    • Email Preferences – Update your notification preferences
    • Join our email marketing list

Article Overview

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your account information, including changing your password, email address, address information, and more.

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