Articles In This Section: 8
This guide will walk you through how to complete the different branding steps for your theme kit to allow you to adjust the template to fit your business’s branding guidelines.
This guide will walk you through the process of getting your theme kit installed, assuming that you’ve already taken care of prerequisites.
This guide will walk you through all of the steps to get started with your theme kit, including links to guides on how to install WordPress, set up your environment, and import your kit, as well as perform your customization and upload your content after your site is ready.
This guide will show you which features need to be enabled in the Elementor Features section to ensure that your kit will work as intended on your website.
This guide will walk you through how to disable default colors to ensure that Elementor can control the color styling globally across your WordPress website.
This guide will walk you through the process of activating your Elementor Pro plugin and assigning your website to your Elementor account.
This guide will walk you through how to install all of the prerequisite plugins for your theme kit, as well as how to configure kit-specific plugins.
This guide will quickly walk you through how to sign up for an Elementor Pro account, as well as download the plugin files necessary to to utilize Elementor Pro on your website.

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