v0.2 Alpha



How to Retrieve Your EPP (Auth) Code to Transfer Out Your Domain

How to Retrieve Your EPP (Auth) Code to Transfer Out Your Domain

Last Modified: August 5, 2024
(Rev. v2.0)
by Ryan T. M. Reiffenberger

Sometimes you need to take your domain elsewhere, and we want to make that process as easy for you as possible. Below is a guide on how to retrieve your EPP (Auth) Code to provide to your new registrar when transferring out a domain. This guide will also include how to unlock the domain for transfer.

Unlock a Domain for Transfer and Retrieve The EPP Code:

  1. Log into our client portal
  2. Click on Domains > My Domains
  3. Click on Registrar Lock on the left-hand side
  4. Click on Disable Registrar Lock
  5. Go to the left-hand side again, and click on Get EPP Code
  6. Copy the EPP code provided on the screen
  7. Your domain is now ready for transfer.

Article Overview

This guide walks you through how to obtain your EPP (Auth) Code to transfer your domain out of Falls Tech Group and into your desired provider.

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