

How to Grant Access to Your cPanel to Another User

How to Grant Access to Your cPanel to Another User

Last Modified: August 14, 2024
(Rev. v4.0)
by Ryan T. M. Reiffenberger

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Sometimes you want to delegate the management of your account with us to another member of your team. Our cPanel instances give you the ability to do this easily where you can give someone separate access, and specify whether or not they need an email account and/or FTP access, and set an expiration if desired. Additionally, you can specify specific roles that you wish for them to have access to if you want to restrict their access.

To Add A Team Member in cPanel:

  1. Log into cPanel 
  2. Click on Manage Team in the left-hand menu
    (Note: If you cannot see this option, you may be hosting on a legacy account package with us. Please contact our helpdesk for assistance with this and we can get you converted to a new plan that supports this feature.)
  3. Check to ensure that you have enough user slots available on your plan
  4. Click on Create Team User
  5. Enter in a username prefix for them.
    We usually recommend using <first_initial><last_name> for easy identification.
    The final username will be <username_prefix>@<your_hosting_domain>
  6. Choose how the user will receive their password, or set it ahead of time for them.
  7. Enter in their contact email address
  8. Select any applicable roles that you wish for them to have
  9. Enter in any notes if you wish to leave some behind for reference
  10. Choose whether or not you want any services provisioned for this team user:
  11. Set any security settings necessary for the account, such as user expiration
  12. Click Create

Note: The system sends account notifications and password reset confirmations to contact email address you entered above.

Article Overview

This guide will walk you through the process of adding a team member to your cPanel account for them to have access to your hosting dashboard. This guide also includes how to restrict permissions for cPanel users as well as enable automatic setup of things like email and FTP.

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